Liquidity Pool Staking
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You can use your TLAND tokens in a pair with UST to add them to Liquidity Pool (LP) to receive LP tokens and get rewards.
You can stake LP tokens to get a reward in TLAND tokens, but that's not all.
For the top 100 Liquidity Providers (LP) there are more rewards:
1) Rewards from Diamond Hands Program - 37,5% of the tax revenue will be distributed proportionally to the amount staked, against the sum of all top 100 LP; 2) 2% of the shares from all properties sold on the Terra Land platform (excluding properties sold through Property on Demand) will be distributed, free of charge to the top 100 LP.
From the left sidebar menu select the TLAND Token tab and choose Staking LP.
Select the LIQUIDITY POOL tab on the top left of the Provide box.
Make sure you have your wallet connected!
Put the amount of TLAND or UST that you want to add to the Liquidity Pool in the correct box - the other box will be filled automatically.
Rember - when adding tokens to the Liquidity Pool you need a pair of TLAND and UST in equivalent amounts.
Click the Add Liquidity button, accept the disclaimer and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
To stake your LP tokens, select the STAKE LP tab.
Put the amount of LP tokens that you want to stake in the Stake Input box and then click the Stake button. Remember to confirm the transaction in your wallet.
You can unstake your staked LP tokens in the Unstake tab. Remember about the 5 days unbondig period - you can unstake your LP tokens immediately (without waiting for the 5 days), but in that case, a fee of 5% will be charged.
Note: Only unstaked LP tokens can be removed from the Liquidity Pool.